AI is everywhere; and like it or hate it, it’s only going to grow in use and popularity. This month, I want to explore the pros, the cons, and the absolute absurdities of relying on machines to make hiring decisions.
Its worth me pointing out that typically there are three types of recruiters; the external or agency professionals (like me), in-house recruiters with the specific job of recruitment for their company and the ‘side of the desk’ brigade who do it as a sort of ‘side hustle’ to their day job.
At the moment, AI is only being used by the first two recruiters. So, what are the options?
The Almighty ChatGPT: Quick Job Descriptions and adverts, But Lacking Personality and very samey already
Meet ChatGPT, the lightning-fast language model, capable of generating job descriptions and adverts in mere seconds. We’ve all tried it and marvelled at the speed in which it writes, but I think (hope) that the novelty is now wearing a bit thin. It takes me two to three hours to craft a really great job description or advert and here’s a tool that can write one in seconds… but here’s the catch; its output is very generic because it is nothing more than a regurgitation of what already exists. It may save you time, but if you’re seeking to captivate top talent, you need more than a one-size-fits-all job description. That’s where the human touch comes in, with its ability to create something unique, with the specific personality of the company you are trying to promote.
AI Interviewing: The Invasion of the Robot Overlords
Imagine baring your soul to an emotionless machine during an automated interview. We’ve all encountered those automated phone systems that lack a human connection, and at best it’s frustrating and impersonal, but at worse we can feel tricked into thinking we are talking to a human, only to find out that its all been a lie; not the best customer experience. Some huge corporations are using AI interviewing to get entry level type applicants past the first stage. To me, this reeks of treating people like ‘cannon fodder’, and it would be a sure-fire way of putting off major talent. There’s a more sinister aspect to this too—potential biases lurking within the algorithms. Can we trust machines to make fair judgments based on what they process? Human insight is essential to truly understand candidates on a deeper level.
ATS: Separating Myth from Reality
Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) has created its fair share of myths. Many believe ATS to be an all-powerful gatekeeper, determining the fate of candidates solely based on keyword matches. But in reality, ATS just acts as a sophisticated filter, aiding recruiters in managing an avalanche of applications. I should point out that if recruitment is done properly, you should not receive an avalanche of applications, but that’s a story for another day. Even if ATS is used though, the final decision ultimately rests with humans, so, don’t fret about “beating the ATS,” by plastering keywords through your CV, because the human touch remains a crucial aspect of the recruitment process.
Recruitment: A People Business, Through and Through
Fundamentally, recruitment is about people. It revolves around connecting humans, building relationships, and intuition. No machine can replicate the power of the human touch when it comes to understanding personalities and forging genuine connections. Recruitment is an art, not a science, it’s the ability to read between the lines, and to have the instincts to make true connections.
People are the life blood of all agencies, and every agency I have ever worked with says that it’s the people that makes them different.
AI is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with, but it should never overshadow the essence of human connection, intuition, and expertise.
As Ai becomes a part of our lives, I think that there’s never been more of a case for the human touch to ensure we don’t all merge into one.