So, the latest C&IT’s state of the industry report has come out and obviously the dreaded ‘B’ word tops the agenda of the industry’s key challenges, however for the gazillionth year running, ‘talent’ is in the top 3.
This is no surprise as attracting, selecting and retaining talent should be a key part of every agency’s growth plan, however, the real surprise is the lack of any different approach to recruitment within the sector.
One thing that always amuses me though is the number of industry events where ‘talent’ is discussed not by actual talent professionals, but by senior agency stakeholders who throw out words like ‘culture’ and ‘values’ and think they’ve got it cracked.
*side note* I would never speak at an event and try to tell event professionals how to run events, so I’m still unsure why actual recruiters are not asked for their advice and knowledge at these things but hey, that’s just me.
So, here’s my 3-point plan to help you with external support.
1. Stop using external recruiters based on what they tell you they do, and start using those you’ve researched who explain and can prove how they help.
2. Let your chosen recruiter meet with the decision-making team and you to really interrogate your brief/JD before they start, as trust me, without this, you’re both preparing to fail.
3. If your recruiter can’t offer a 6-month 100% rebate, ask them why they’re preparing to fail and find someone who trusts their approach and guarantees it.
Albert Einstein said it best
“The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result”
#eventprofs #mice #experiential #recruitment