By jove, I think I’ve cracked it.
Recruitment gets a bad rep and unfortunately, nine times out of ten it’s deserved.
So, I’ve come up with a six-point master plan to restore some credibility to the whole sector and in turn, make life easier for everyone.
1️⃣Replace the question “what is your current salary” with “what salary are you looking for”.
✅The gender/ethnicity pay gap is real, in fact, this should be illegal to ask
2️⃣All job adverts have to have a salary banding, absolutely no exceptions.
✅I have never heard one reasonable excuse as to why people don’t do this
3️⃣Recruiters/hiring teams must reply to ALL applicants.
✅If you’re getting a poor match of applicant, take a look at what you’re putting out there rather than blaming it on others.
4️⃣If employers insist on giving the role to multiple agencies (contingency) then ensure everyone only submits CVs on one day.
✅This will stop the mad rush to claim ‘candidate ownership’ by banging over CVs quickly before their competition (even if that candidate has no idea this is happening).
5️⃣Make it illegal to submit a candidate’s CV without prior written (email is good) agreement.
✅Not some small print on a website, but actual documented agreement the candidate is happy for you to represent them on that specific opportunity.
6️⃣Three months 100% rebate should be standard for all recruiters.
✅Anything else is just preparing to fail and admitting you’re not that sure yourself if things will work out. (I work retained so provide a 6-month 100% rebate)
That will do for now, unless you’ve got anything to add…
#eventprofs #fitability #recruitment